
Each weekend at ENCOUNTER Kids, your children will learn how the Bible fits into their lives. They’ll discover how to talk to Jesus through prayer, stories, music and crafts. And they’ll build some lasting friendships!

At ENCOUNTER Kids, we focus on small groups so that children can get to know each other and their small group leader. If you’re able to attend the same service at the same time each week, this will be valuable in helping your child connect with the same friends and same leader. We have a wonderful trained staff and volunteers who are ready to serve your kids. Each of our staff and volunteers have undergone reference and background checks, and a personal interview for the security of your children.

Are you interested in serving as a volunteer?


Our Nursery ministry is for infants, toddlers, and two year-olds.


We have a team of loving volunteers and staff who care for your infants, toddlers, and two year-olds in our Nursery at all ENCOUNTER services. Each member of our team has been carefully screened and trained to work with children. The utmost attention is given to your child’s needs.

ENCOUNTER KIDS Nursery Coordinator

Contact: Leslie Lewey


Toddlers and two year-olds enjoy playtime, music, stories, and snacks. We use First Look which focuses on three key truths for your child: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever!

What to Bring

When packing a diaper bag for your child, please include the following:

  • Two or three disposable diapers. No cloth diapers, please.
  • Pacifier or other comfort items
  • A complete change of clothes
  • A bottle of milk, formula, juice, or water
  • Label all personal items with your child’s first and last name

Your Child's Health

For the protection of all children in our programs, we are unable to accept a child with a runny nose, fresh cold (4 days or less), fever, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea, or any other sign of illness. Thank you for helping us keep our nursery healthy!

New Parent Room

If you would like to stay with your infant during ENCOUNTER, there is a room for new parents outside the entrance to the Auditorium for mothers to watch and listen to the service. Should you need to nurse your child during services, there is also a Nursing Mother’s Room located by the Women's Restroom.

Drop Off

The nursery is located in the 400 Building, just off the main patio area. One of our leaders will meet you at the check-in area to receive your child. Please note any info that will help in caring for your child. You’ll receive a security number in case we need to contact you during the service. A leader will apply an adhesive name tag to your child’s back with their name on it. You will be given a matching tag.

Pick Up

Please present your tag at the time of pick up. A child will not be released without presentation of the parents’ corresponding tag. Your child’s leader will expect the same person to drop off and pick up each child unless special instructions are given at check-in. Make sure that all your child’s personal items have been returned to you before you leave the premises.

Baby Dedication

Dedicating a child during a weekend ENCOUNTER service is a parents’ public commitment to offer their child to the Lord and to commit themselves to raising the child for the glory of God. Child dedications are held twice a year in the fall and in the spring during our weekend services. We offer a preparation class for you to learn more about dedicating your child. Contact Gloria Needham

Early Childhood

Our Early Childhood ministry is for ages three to five years-old.


A young child's world is bursting with newness.

Where did that bird come from? Look, the moon is shaped funny tonight! Who thought to color the butterfly like that?

Our Early Childhood ministry is for children age 3 to 5 (including Kindergarten). We have a dedicated team of leaders who have a treasure chest of creative, engaging activities to introduce your preschool children to God.

ENCOUNTER Kids Sunday Morning Coordinator

Contact: Leslie Lewey


We use First Look curriculum which gives children a first impression of their heavenly Father and the wonder of His love for each one of them.

Your Child's Health

For the protection of all children in our programs, we are unable to accept a child with a runny nose, fresh cold (4 days or less), fever, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea, or any other sign of illness. Thank you for helping us keep our classrooms healthy!


Our classrooms are located in the 100 Building and have loving leaders at both services. Check-in and print your labels at the ENCOUNTER Kids Kiosk. If you need assistance a member of our team can help.

Child Dedication

Dedicating a child during a weekend ENCOUNTER service is a parents’ public commitment to offer their child to the Lord and to commit themselves to raising the child for the glory of God. Child dedications are held twice a year in the fall and in the spring during our weekend services. We offer a preparation class for you to learn more about dedicating your child. Contact Gloria Needham


Our Elementary ministry is for kids in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade.


Elementary-age kids are in a constant state of discovery and activity! They are trying so many different things for the first time and are learning to make (and keep) friends.

We want to show your kids God’s big story and help them discover the active part they can play in this life-long adventure, to be more like Jesus.

ENCOUNTER Kids Sunday Morning Coordinator

Contact: Michelle Anthony



We use 252 KIDS which is a dynamic curriculum inviting kids to live out their relationship with God, learn how to love others, and make wise choices. Children play at interactive activity stations before coming together to worship God through music.

The Bible is brought to life with storytelling and drama, followed by small group time. Kids have a small group of friends and a leader who meets with them each week. We encourage parents to pick one service to regularly attend so your child can make some meaningful friendships here in ENCOUNTER Kids.

Your Child's Health

For the protection of all children in our programs, we are unable to accept a child with a runny nose, fresh cold (4 days or less), fever, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea, or any other sign of illness. Thank you for helping us keep our classrooms healthy!


Check-in and print your labels at the ENCOUNTER Kids Kiosk or at the computer designated in the elementary area. If you need assistance a member of our team can help.


Water baptism is one of the most important things your kids can do as new Christ followers! It is an outward sign of the change which has taken place in their hearts when they choose to follow Jesus. Baptisms happen two times a year during our ENCOUNTER services in the Auditorium. We offer a preparation class which will help you and your child understand this important expression of faith. Please contact Gloria Needham if your child would like to be baptized.


Our Lightforce ministry is for kids in 4th, 5th and 6th grade.


The time where children are wrapping up elementary school and preparing for or entering middle school can be a exciting and confusing transition. Our Lightforce ministry is for 4th, 5th and 6th graders. We’re so excited to get to know your kids!

ENCOUNTER Pre-Teen Coordinator

Contact: Michelle Anthony


Lightforce is a Sunday worship environment specially tailored to help preteens sort it all out. With a dynamic worship experience—complete with live music, inspirational speakers, heartfelt small group discussions, and fun games—students explore their relationship with Jesus and how that can influence every decision they make.

Weekend Program

Lightforce is every Sunday, 10:45-12 PM

Your Child's Health

For the protection of all children in our programs, we are unable to accept a child with a runny nose, fresh cold (4 days or less), fever, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea, or any other sign of illness. Thank you for helping us keep our classrooms healthy!


Lightforce meets upstairs of the 400 bldg.


Water baptism is one of the most important things your kids can do as new Christ followers! It is an outward sign of the change which has taken place in their hearts when they choose to follow Jesus. Baptisms happen two times a year during our ENCOUNTER services in the Auditorium. We offer a preparation class which will help you and your child understand this important expression of faith. Please contact Gloria Needham if your child would like to be baptized.


Enjoy church online at home

If you can’t make it to the weekend services, you can still worship at home with ENCOUNTER Kids! Below you will find the age appropriate video resources as well as print materials to help lead your kids in a lesson of hope, love, and faith in Jesus.

If we can help in any way, please reach out to us!

Weekend Material For:

March 23

Weekend Material For:

March 30


We have ASL interpretation available for the 9 AM service

GENERAL INQUIRIES [email protected]