Welcome to

Celebrate Recovery

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Celebrate God’s healing power in our lives

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a biblical and balanced program which helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, habits or anything that separates us from a relationship with God. The focus of CR is to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 8 Recovery Principles and 12 Christ-centered steps.

CR is for those who struggle with codependency, pride, anger, eating issues, gambling, spending, control issues, domestic violence, self abuse, alcohol or drugs, sexual addiction, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical or emotional affairs, or any other issue you wish to eliminate from your life.

Celebrate Recovery meets in The PLEX, Thursdays at 6:30 pm.

For more information (Women):

For more information (Men):


We have ASL interpretation available for the 9 AM service

GENERAL INQUIRIES [email protected]