Global Partners
We support 19 full time global partners who are involved in a wide spectrum of ministries including evangelism, church planting, leadership training, medical care, student outreach, camping ministry, community development, business as mission, missions mobilization, mountaineering, church restoration, military ministries and missionary care.
Engage the world
We want to make Jesus known to every culture and every people! Our priorities are —
Make disciples of all nations, prioritizing unreached people groups (those who have no access to the gospel)
Send skilled people to plant reproducing churches, partner with nationals, equip leaders, and proclaim the gospel
Care for our Global Partners and support Global Member Care efforts
Mobilize the church to expand our understanding of God’s heart for the world
Advocate for the poor and oppressed by partnering with gospel-driven compassion ministries
Paul & Sandra Bradley
Cadence International
Colorado, USA
Paul & Sandra Bradley
Paul and Sandra are missionaries with Cadence International, a mission organization dedicated to sharing the gospel and their lives with the military community around the world.
For the past 33 years, they have served in a variety of ministries across Europe, Asia, and the U.S. Currently, they serve as Europe Field Directors, where they coach, encourage, mentor, and oversee all Cadence staff in Germany and Spain.
In addition to this role, Paul serves as Vice President of Foreign and Affiliate Ministries and is a member of the Executive Leadership Team. Sandra also contributes to the mission as an editor in the Communications Department.
Jonathan & Nancy Fitzgerald
Bridges International
University of California, Irvine
Jonathan & Nancy Fitzgerald
Nancy was born and raised in Ventura and graduated from BIOLA with a masters in Intercultural Studies, Pastoral Counseling, and Spiritual Formation. She has been involved in short term trips to Asia for over 10 years and has a passion to reach the unreached! In 2019 she began serving part-time with Campus Crusade for Christ (Bridges) at University of California in Irvine and made a decision in 2020 to become a full-time staff member. Jonathan and Nancy met in 2020 and married in February of 2022. Jonathan and Nancy share the Gospel, disciple, mentor, lead bible studies, and journey with unreached international students from over 20 countries. Their vision is to win, build, and send out equipped international students back to their home country where then they will take God’s life-giving message to their country.
Daniel & Lori Hahn
Daniel & Lori Hahn
Catalyst Intl supports Christian workers who are taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. They do this through conferences for men, women and families. Catalyst is led by Dr. Daniel and Lori Hahn. The Hahns have been in pastoral ministry since 1983. They came to Encounter in 2000 where Daniel served as the Community Life pastor for 7 years and the Lead Pastor for 14 years. Lori served in Women’s Ministry, Communications and Global Outreach. They launched Catalyst in 2004 as a way of meeting the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of weary global workers. In July 2021, the Hahns transitioned from pastoral ministry to focus full time on caring for global workers.
Luke & Daisy Holland
Global Grace Fellowship
Sheffield, England
Luke & Daisy Holland
Since 2008, the Hollands have been serving with The Oakes Holiday Centre, a Christian camp located in Sheffield, England. English children attend with their church
groups, schools and clubs, and they share the gospel with them. The Oakes offers over 40 camps each year for children 8-18 years old. Daisy grew up at ENCOUNTER and served on the youth staff while making many short term trips to The Oakes. She met her English husband Luke while there. They have three children: Bethany, Caleb and Micah.
Nate & Louise Johnson
Cadence International
Nate & Louise Johnson
The Johnsons have been serving with Cadence since 2000. They’ve worked in youth ministry on military bases in Germany and Japan. In 2013 they transitioned to running a hospitality house serving meals, hosting Bible studies, special events, trainings, and one-on-one discipleship first in Rota, Spain and then in Fairfield, CA. In 2022, they transitioned to serving as the WestPac Field Leaders, where they oversee all the ministries that Cadence has for soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, guardians, and cadets at bases west of the Mississippi river, including Alaska, and Hawaii. They provide care, coaching, communication, and coordination for the missionaries serving those installations. Nate served as the youth pastor at ENCOUNTER in the 1990’s. They have four children: Ellie, Kara, Krista, and Josh.
Phil & Cheryl Kingsley
Greater Europe Mission
Dublin, Ireland
Phil & Cheryl Kingsley
Since 1982, Phil and Cheryl have been involved in multiplying disciples and churches in Ireland and Europe. They train and coach leaders for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in Ireland. Phil has been an adjunct lecturer at the Irish Bible Institute in Dublin since 2012. Phil and Cheryl grew up at ENCOUNTER and were married in what is now The PLEX. They have two grown children and five grandchildren.
Dr. Linus Morris
Global Training Network
Dr. Linus Morris
Linus co-founded Christian Associates International (CAI), the Jesus Christ Light and Power House, and News Release Basketball ministries before joining the staff of Global Training Network (GTN). He lived in Europe for 10 years, launching churches in Geneva and Amsterdam, and led CAI for 25 years, during which time 50 churches were birthed.
He draws upon these earlier seasons of ministry to equip networks of leaders with Global Training Network today in the majority world. His vision is to equip, encourage, and empower leaders to multiply Christ-following movements that reach people for Jesus, make disciples, develop leaders, and plant and develop more churches. Based upon the book of Romans, Matthew 28:16-20, and 2 Timothy 2:2, they call their training the Divine Expedition, and are seeing the multiplication of leaders and churches in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States.
Joe & Lori Pent
Latin America Assistance
San Jose, Costa Rica
Joe & Lori Pent
Phil & Rita Warkentien
Global Grace Fellowship
Pernambunco, Brazil
Phil & Rita Warkentien
Not Named
South Asia

This family uses their professional skills to work among an unreached Muslim people group.
Not Named
South Asia

This family has been working among an unreached Muslim people group since 2013. They meet with individuals and small groups to evangelize, study the Bible and strengthen disciples. They have three children.
Not Named

This family has been serving the people in the Balkans since 1998. They focus on spiritual, physical and emotional needs through training, coaching and counseling with a focus on life transformation through entrepreneurship and resource assessment. They have four adult children.
Not Named
Central Asia

This family serves a muslim people group by using their professional skills and creativity to engage people in every sector of the city they live in with the gospel. The husband does coaching and consulting for local businesses and the wife build relationships with local women. They have three children.
Not Named
HOPE for North Africa

In February 2020, two single women moved from Central America to North Africa to join a team of church planters. They are serving a muslim people group in the Sahara Desert.
Not Named
Central Asia

This couple and their two children use their professional skills in mountain guiding to develop mountain tourism, aiming to provide job opportunities in this industry for locals, and engage those they are working amongst with the gospel.
Prayer For the Nations
Prayer for the Nations is a time set aside the final Sunday each month for our church family to gather and pray for the world, specific countries and peoples, our global partners, their work among the unreached and less reached, and any specific challenges our partners face.
We will meet and pray between services for 15 minutes in the auditorium in the area adjacent to the Community Life counter. Everyone is welcome.