December 4
Series: A Christmas Yarn
Topic: praise kids
November 27
Series: One Day & Tomorrow
Sometimes we find ourselves holding onto things that cause us to lack trust in what… read more
November 20
Series: Thorns Into Glory
There is something powerful when out of a place of weakness, incredible strength and power… read more
November 13
Series: Thorns Into Glory
Have you every wanted to open the windows of heaven? I do not necessarily mean… read more
November 6
Series: All Together
Have you ever found yourself looking down only to have something amazing catch your attention… read more
October 30
Series: Thorns Into Glory
As we continue our “Thorns into Glory” message series in 2 Corinthians 11 God gives… read more
October 23
Series: Thorns Into Glory
Turning our thorns into His glory is an endurance race empowered by the incredible love… read more
October 16
Series: Marriage and the Gospel
A message from the current series “MARRIAGE AND THE GOSPEL.” Jesus’ love for the Church,… read more
October 9
Series: Thorns Into Glory
Turning our thorns into His glory is an endurance race empowered by the incredible love… read more