Because of Jesus… because of His pain on our behalf, because of His resurrection, because of His victory over sin, no one is too lost for God to find them or too scarred for God to use them. Purpose, hope, and a future are available for everyone at the cross of Christ. No matter your circumstances, your mess, or your shame. It’s a reason to celebrate this Easter!
Join us this Easter Sunday as we rejoice in the resurrection and the life Jesus offers. Come experience a powerful message about opening the door to life and the hope we have because of Him. Easter Sunday services are at 9 & 10:45 am.
Children’s programs will be available; head to the ENCOUNTER Kids Booth on the patio and we will help you find the appropriate classrooms for your kids! Children are also welcome to join you in the service.
There will be Easter egg hunts for the children after each of the Sunday services!