Crown Biblical Financial Study

We know that finances can be overwhelming. That’s why Crown Ministries developed their proven resources to help people just like you activate their full financial potential and find freedom from financial stress.

Biblically Based – All of Crown’s courses and content is derived from timeless biblical principles. Crown has embraced God’s word as a guide with over 2,350 verses focused on biblical financial stewardship.

Practical – Crown utilizes modern and simple tools to help organize and streamline your financial and career decisions. The goal is to give you the tools to effectively live your life as a steward (in the Bible a steward is a person who was given the responsibility and authority to rule over the affairs of the household).

Empowering – Crown believes that God has gifted each of us as a steward. He has given us gifts and resources that if utilized with biblical stewardship, freedom can be found for all of us. There is hope for every situation!

Is it time for you to take the next step? Crown’s approach to biblical stewardship is proven and effective. Crown has helped thousands of people around the world bring their finances to life and quit living in financial stress.

Class option -Tuesday Evenings, 6:00-8:00pm, 10 weeks starting September 10 – East Ventura area, led by Todd & Jeanine Curtis and Sheila Hadjoglou. September 10 is a 1-hour Crown Study Orientation, and first meeting starting September 17 and ending November 19.

Cost of study is $48, includes book & materials (Individuals or Couples sharing book/materials). Childcare available.

For more info contact Joe


Nov 19 2024


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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We have ASL interpretation available for the 9 AM service