Parent’s Time Out
Take advantage of Parent’s Time Out for free time or to do what you need to do and have your kids taken care of with some awesome childcare staff. Your child(ren) can be dropped off at the ENCOUNTER Nursery Room.
Pizza dinner provided for your child(ren) to enjoy.
Due to the increased number of children dealing with food allergies, our childcare program for Mornings Out and Nights Out will be nut free. Please be sure that your child’s dinner and/or snacks are nut-free for the safety of children with severe food allergies. Thanks!
You must register and pay in advance. Registration ends on Wednesday before the event at 12 pm. There are no walk-ins or refunds. All major credit cards accepted.
You will need to pick up your child(ren) no later than 9:05 pm or you will be charged a late fee of $1 per minute after the 5 minute grace period. Thank you!
Childcare for 0 – 12 years old
We ask that parents check in their child(ren) in the nursery:
0 – 2 Years will meet in the nursery
3 – Kindergarten will meet in the nursery
Grades 1 – 6 will meet upstairs in room 422